Menjelajahi Sistem Tugas Akhir di Luar Negeri: Jenis, Pengertian, Tolak Ukur

Menjelajahi Sistem Tugas Akhir di Luar Negeri: Jenis, Pengertian, Tolak Ukur

  Banyak orang yang bertanya, apakah terdapat pengerjaan skripsi jika kita berkuliah di luar negeri? Kita tau bahwa berkuliah di luar negeri merupakan impian bagi banyak orang yang ingin mengejar pendidikan tinggi yang berkualitas. Namun, ada perbedaan yang cukup signifikan dalam sistem pendidikan tinggi antara Indonesia dengan negara lain termasuk dalam hal persyaratan tugas akhir…

Personal Statement Auto Dilirik, Ini Dia 6 Tips Jitu Menulis Personal Statement yang Menarik

Personal Statement Auto Dilirik, Ini Dia 6 Tips Jitu Menulis Personal Statement yang Menarik

  Kak, gimana sih cara buat personal statement dengan bagus, terutama mengandung isi yang berbobot dan yang paling utama dapat menarik pembaca nya, aku selalu stuck dan bingung harus mulai darimana… Nah, banyak dari kalian pasti mengalami kesulitan yang sama seperti diatas. Tenang aja karna di artikel ini, EduPlan akan spill bocoran tahapan-tahapan untuk menulis…

Yuk Intip Profil 5 Peserta Ter Populer mu di Clash Of Champions

Yuk Intip Profil 5 Peserta Ter Populer mu di Clash Of Champions

  Beberapa waktu ini, salah satu acara atau reality show bernama Clash of Champions sedang marak dibicarakan di kalangan muda. Hal ini banyak menarik perhatian karena penonton dari acara ini seolah merasakan suasana persaingan yang penuh ketegangan dari seluruh peserta di game adu kecerdasan ini. Clash of Champions merupakan sebuah reality show yang ditampilkan oleh…

Working Holiday Visa (WHV): Kerja sambil Liburan di Negeri Tetangga, Gimana Sih Caranya?

Working Holiday Visa (WHV): Kerja sambil Liburan di Negeri Tetangga, Gimana Sih Caranya?

  Pengertian WHV Istilah WHV mungkin masih asing di telinga sebagian orang. Working Holiday Visa ternyata bisa menjadi jembatan bagi kalian yang memilikiimpian bekerja di luar negeri. WHV merupakan visa khusus bagi seluruh warga Indonesia yang memenuhi syarat khususnya bagi yang ingin bekerja sekaligus berlibur di negara Australia. Pemegang visa ini dapat merasakan kehidupan di…

3 Recommendations UK Campus, EduPlan Version

3 Recommendations UK Campus, EduPlan Version

  1.University of Sunderland   The University of Sunderland, which located in Sunderland, UK, England, is an institution of higher learning that offers a wide range of academic programs in the arts, sciences, technology, and business. This campus equipped with state of art facilities, such as: laboratories, art studios, a comprehensive library, and a fitness…

Fun and Interesting Facts About the Great White North, Canada

Fun and Interesting Facts About the Great White North, Canada

  1. The second largest country in the world Canada is the second largest country in the world, behind Russia which is the largest country. The area of Canada is 9,984,670 square kilometers, and for such a large country, the population is actually very low because many areas of Canada are unreachable by cars and…

Traditional Finnish Food: Exploring the Flavor and Culture in Every Bite

Traditional Finnish Food: Exploring the Flavor and Culture in Every Bite

  1.Kalakukko Kalakukko is a traditional Finnish pie made of fish and pork meat wrapped in wheat dough and baked. It is a popular food especially in the Savonia region of eastern Finland. 2. Ruisleipä Ruisleipä bread is a traditional Finnish rye bread. It is made from rye flour and has a rich flavor and…

Plan Your Study: A Complete Guide to Applying for a Finland Visa for Indonesian Students

Plan Your Study: A Complete Guide to Applying for a Finland Visa for Indonesian Students

  Before you start the visa application process, make sure you have been accepted into an education program in Finland. You need to confirm that the program meets the student visa requirements. You also need to fulfill other student residence permit requirements, such as insurance and means of support. This residence permit allows you to…

Aalto University: One of The Best Finland Universities in The World

Aalto University: One of The Best Finland Universities in The World

  History Aalto University is a leading Finnish university founded in 2010, which located in Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa,  close to the nature as well as the city buzz. The campus area offers an ideal environment for living, studying and consists a number of faculties covering a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, arts, business,…