Be Advised of These Restrictions, Before You Study in Australia!


Australia is generally a relaxed country when it comes to formalities and traditions. However, there are still rules and manners that you must follow. As an international student studying there, it is important for you to know the restrictions that exist in Australia so that you can respect the rules.

1.Tipping money

In most countries, tipping is a form of appreciation and thanks for the service received. But in Australia, this should not be done because the salary in Australia is one of the highest in the world, which is around 18.93 AUD or the equivalent of Rp184 thousand per hour.


2. Biking Without a Helmet

Riding a bicycle is usually considered a sporting activity for people around the world. However, in Australia, wearing a helmet is a must unless you have medical, cultural or religious reasons. Helmets must be securely fastened and fastened at all times when riding a bicycle, electric bike, scooter or other personal mobility device.


3. Dust Vacuuming at Night

According to Part 48A of the Environmental Protection Act 1970 and the Environmental Protection Regulations 2018 in Victoria, it is an offence to make noise that is unreasonable in a dwelling at certain times of the day.

This Australian prohibition includes using vacuum cleaners after 10pm or before 7am on weekdays, and after 10pm or before 9am on weekends. Complaints from neighbors or failure to comply with the law can result in penalties from the authorities.


4. Careless Spitting

Do not spit carelessly, as it will spread the virus. In addition to spitting, you should not sneeze near other people, at least sneeze using a tissue or your elbow.


5. Smoking Carelessly

Australia has regulations on smoking, so you can’t smoke within 3 meters of the entrance of any cafe or restaurant. Along with the many smoke-free areas, Australia also restricts throwing cigarette butts in any way. For example, throwing cigarette butts out the car window.


Well, don’t forget to follow the rules. As an international student, you must show your obedience and politeness in a foreign country. Stay tuned for the next article!

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